About ME

A little info about the gal behind the words. 

I am a mother to a one year old boy. It may sound cliche but I live to please him. I had a great childhood but I want his childhood to surpass my own. I want him to experience life to the max. 

I am a mother, yes, but I am also many other things...

I am a huge proponent for natural living. I aim to live as naturally and environmentally friendly as I can in this industrial, technologically advanced world we live in. That means that I buy non-GMO, organically sourced products (food and otherwise), always, and that I limit my consumption of plastics and disposables.

I am a world traveler. In so many words, traveling is my therapy. To put it simply, when I travel, I forget about things. Traveling allows me to embrace the present moment as fully as I can-- I soak in new cultures, food, people, and adventures. I have been to 5 of 7 continents and over 30 countries so far. Even though I have a kid now, I have no intention to ever stop traveling. 

I am a reader. I've always had a love affair with the English language. My bachelors degree is in English Literature, so you'll usually find me reading something (mostly fiction). I've always had a sore spot for 'coming of age' novels. 

I am a vegetarian. Beyond the fact that preparing raw meat totally grosses me out, I realize that a plant-based diet is the single most beneficial thing that you can do for your health. I am raising my son vegetarian as well, so trying to introduce a picky eater to the world of plants has been rather enlightening to say the least. 

I have ADHD and anxiety. While these diagnoses do not define me, I'm well aware that they've stuck around and I may write about them from time to time. Got to be real. 

Thanks for stopping by! 


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